Protip: They Are You
by Sanya Weathers
The number one key to coping as a community manager is to remember that you have more in common with your customers than you do with nearly anyone else in the world. And if that’s not actually true, you should consider a job change, because community work will burn you out in six months or less.
You and your players should both be passionate about the product, the genre, and the underlying themes. For example, if you’re representing a fantasy MMO, you should be excited about MMOs and knowledgeable about the myths and legends of the culture that is driving the development. At minimum you should be excited about learning, and fascinated by the things your players are telling you.
No matter how besieged you feel, no matter what is going on, remember that your customers are people with whom you’d enjoy a frosty beverage. Outside of the game, you’d be friends. They are not the enemy. They are you.