My Mod Journey: Profiles in Excellence


What does it mean to be a Mod? Situated in 70+ countries worldwide, our Mods are the best of the best: smart, savvy, and experienced. So it’s not surprising how many of those in managerial positions (or even higher) at ModSquad were at one time Mods themselves. It’s reflective not only of the type of hardworking, energetic folks who define what it means to be a Mod; it shows how the Mod journey for some, has brought them to positions of greater responsibility and visibility. We’d like to introduce you to four such people—creative, diligent stars who honed their skills as a Mod and went on to make their marks in other positions here at ModSquad.

Jason Ferguson, Sr. Director, Client Services
Joined ModSquad in 2009

For many professionals, their resumes include lists of job titles reflecting ever-increasing responsibilities at several companies. For Jason Ferguson, ModSquad’s Sr. Director, Client Services, his titles over the past decade have shown that upward trajectory — they’ve just happened at ModSquad.

“I started in 2009 as a part-time moderator,” says Jason. “As ModSquad grew, many other project opportunities came along, and I decided to transition to ModSquad full-time.” Since then, Jason has held numerous positions with the company, becoming Assistant Project Manager and then Project Manager for online video-game clients. He later worked as Manager, Special Projects, Senior Manager, Account Manager, and Director of Client Services before transitioning to his current position.

Beyond ModSquad’s explosive growth over that 10 years, Jason chalks up his success to “hard work and dedication, both to ModSquad and our clients. Being able to work independently but still work well with groups is important.” As he sees the company continue to grow, he shares advice for those thinking about joining the Mods. “We’re always looking to expand our pool. We have all sorts of different projects, and if you’re flexible, you can get some variety. Definitely sign up!”

Michael Koger, Sr. Project Manager
Joined ModSquad in 2012

What prompted Michael Koger to pack up and move more than 1,000 miles to Austin, Texas? His belief in ModSquad. Since arriving at our virtual doors in 2012 and working as a Mod providing in-game moderation, Michael has made his mark at the company. While he enjoyed the flexibility of being a Mod contractor, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to come on board full time as a Project Manager.

Michael saw how hard work, good communication, and reliability is valued in our Mods. Working as a Mod contractor role helped nurture Michael’s time management and adaptability skills. “Mods can work on three or four different projects,” he says, “just as Project Managers will have multiple projects. Being a Mod taught me to come up with a game plan and build a structured schedule to enable me to succeed.”

So when he moved halfway across the U.S. to help recruit for and expand ModSquad’s Austin Operations Center, he jumped at the chance. And he hasn’t looked back: “It’s cool to see what’s now a busy office filled with people on multiple teams interacting. They may be working on different projects, but there’s a huge camaraderie here, and many friendships have come about. We talk about ModSquad having a cool culture, and that’s true. It’s more than just a work environment. The people here have a real energy and motivation, and it’s very encouraging.”

Michelle Ramage, Project Manager
Joined ModSquad in 2007

When Michelle Ramage landed her Mod gig in 2007, she was looking for a way to earn money while her sons were in school. Within two years Michelle was named ModSquad’s first Mod of the Month. “I’ve always been an extremely hard worker,” she says. ”I’d like to think that came through in my role.” 

When ModSquad launched a project with the NFL, Michelle, a longtime football fan (“Go Pack Go!”) knew she wanted to be a part of it. Before long, her tenacity and smarts were rewarded when she applied for and was named Project Manager on the engagement. “I adored that project and was lucky enough to be part of it for eight years,” she notes. Since then, Michelle worked as Project Manager for various moderation, social media, and customer support projects.

She now finds herself in the position to bring others into positions of higher responsibility. “When looking for new leads or Assistant Project Managers, I’m always looking for the person who is extremely knowledgeable about the project, the one asking questions, following updates, meeting KPIs, and engaging others.”

Many who apply to become a Mod are drawn by the opportunity for remote work. Michelle stresses the importance of having a dedicated work area. “Having the ability to work from home is amazing,” she says, “but to do so and be successful, you must be organized. Create a workspace for yourself. While you’re in that space, shut off as much of the outside world as you can.” Michelle amends that thought with one last piece of wisdom from the gridiron. “As Bill Belichick says, ‘Do your job!’”

Tera Tilden, Project Manager
Joined ModSquad in 2007

Little did stay-at-home mom Tera Tilden know that logging into the Gossip Girl sim in the game Second Life would change her world for the better! “I was helping people set up their avatars,” she recalls. “I kept seeing people under 18 in the sim, while the terms of service said you had to be 18+. I met [ModSquad Founder] Amy Pritchard in Second Life, and we started talking about the underage members. She eventually asked me to be a Moderator in the virtual world, and I went for it. I not only found a job; it quickly turned into a career!”

In the years since coming on as a Mod in 2007, Tera has been hired as a ModSquad Project Manager, doing social media strategy and working on social, moderation, and customer support projects. It was her go-getter nature that helped her, an attribute she knows is still valued at ModSquad. “Be proactive; clients love that. Show initiative, be reliable, and go above and beyond.”

Tera’s enthusiasm for her projects is matched only by her enthusiasm for ModSquad itself. “I tell everyone what a great company we are. I just love the friendships that I’ve built here. They’re like a family to me. It’s pretty neat to watch a company grow from a handful of people to a network of over 10,000 contractors and employees. I couldn’t be prouder of this company and its accomplishments!”