ModSquad Celebrates Those Who Give Back


The last few months of the year are traditionally seen as a time of giving. From giving thanks to giving presents wrapped in a bow, these are good reasons it’s called “the most wonderful time of the year.” Today just happens to be Giving Tuesday, an international day of charitable giving that was established in 2012 as a way to remind us of the things that are important in a time when many are focused on consumer-oriented activities. What better time to give a shout-out to those at ModSquad who give back all year ‘round?

From giving our furry friends a loving start to showing those in pain that they aren’t alone, we’re celebrating those who volunteer. As we wind down from the success of the annual Extra Life charity event, it’s time to celebrate those who never stop giving back.

“Our family does volunteer projects through our church. Three weeks ago, we purchased items to fill donation bags with items for the first years of a baby’s life. Our church volunteers take these to Haiti to give to new moms. The bags include child-size toothbrushes, hand sanitizers, baby socks, bibs, and other items.”
— Gina M.

“I ‘ve been on the board of directors of Access Books Bay Area for the past several years, and what a fulfilling experience it has been! I head up the fundraising, grant writing, and sponsorship activities at ABBA (our affectionate name for our charity). I also work hands-on doing our weekend project work. ABBA fosters literacy and academic achievement in children living below the poverty line by improving their access to high quality, high interest, and culturally relevant pleasure reading materials. ABBA is addressing a severe need and changing children’s lives one library at a time. I’m thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful organization.”
— David W.

“I volunteer caring for cats who are up for adoption. I go in a few times a week and clean their “condos” and make sure they have food and water. Then, the best part — I get to play with them for a while. Most cats don’t stay there too long before getting adopted, but there are a few who’ve been there a little while. They’re all great.”
— Matthew O.

“I‘ve been an admin/editor and contributor to the Surviving Chronic Pain Facebook group for a few years. Along with other admins and moderators, I contribute by writing from my blog, Pain-fully Human. This is the place where we remind sufferers, caregivers, friends, and loved ones that they are not alone and are stronger than they know. 

“We provide humor, tips, goals, and encouragement in order to create connections and foster the community. I also moderate the page as a way to ensure those who want to profit off those suffering by offering ill-created medication and devices do not prosper on the backs of desperation. We’re here to help everyone find resources and answer questions, and to ensure that they can have a place of safety and trust.”
— Kelly C.

“Last spring, I volunteered at a dog shelter in Khon Kaen, Thailand. My girlfriend and I lived on the property for two months, working six days a week. In the shelter, we got to meet all kinds of dogs — some disabled or unsocialized, but all of a generally friendly disposition. We bathed them, played with them, took them out for walks (some of them in a special kind of wheelchair), and gave them hydrotherapy and massages. 

“This might sound fun, which it was, but it was pretty tough as well. Most of the 500+ dogs at the shelter craved attention, which can be exhausting. In return, they had a lot of love and attention to give back (which could also be exhausting). It was a super-rewarding experience. I look back upon my time there with fond memories. I miss those dogs.”
— Joris H.

“I started volunteering officially when I was 18, and I’m now 52. I think of volunteering as a way of paying back. We take too many things for granted. I have a special project, which I started around 2010. It’s not for any specific charity, but it’s really important for me. I knit socks and scarves for “rough sleepers,” those who sleep outside because they have no other options. There are charity groups that offer this service, like the Wooligans in Hamburg. Unfortunately, there’s nothing like this in my area, so I’m the Wooligan on my own.”
— Gina W.