Mod of the Month – March 2023
What do you get when you combine Batman and Snow White? Why, our most recent Mod of the Month, of course! Describing herself as one part superhero and one part Disney princess, this Mod can whistle while she works, and ban bad actors with the best of ‘em. Today we’re proud to introduce Stephanie R. as our March Mod of the Month!
Stephanie works mainly as an Engagement Mod on social media. That means that her work is one part engagement, and one part moderation. This mixture of responsibilities suits her perfectly!
“I love interacting with users while ensuring the community is safe for everyone.” Stephanie says about her work, “Users should be able to enjoy themselves online whether it’s reading funny stories and sharing their reactions in the comments, or posting about their passions. I love reading comments from users who appreciate that we took the time out of our day to respond to them.”
What other heroics is this Mod up to? She is a part of the super team that helps to manage the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Not only did she help ModSquad earn a Stevie Award, but she works to keep the community safe, positive, and engaged.
It’s not just her projects that Stephanie is so passionate about. She also has a lot of love for ModSquad itself! “The environment within ModSquad is fantastic. I get to work with people all across the globe and feel like I get a small window into their life. Everyone I’ve come in contact with has been so great. From sharing things going on in their life to helping out with shift coverage when needed and of course, dad jokes. I love a good dad joke.”
Before we continue, we wanted to get to know the person behind the mask – so to speak.
When not monitoring social media, Stephanie can be found at home, with her boyfriend and their three kids. In addition to children, they also care for a 12 year old coonhound named Jackson, 6 chickens, and 3 ducks (Getting Disney princess vibes yet?). “I don’t want to say I’m a real-life Snow White,” She jokes, “but rabbits, wild birds, deer, and bears seem to always appear when spending time in nature.”
Rabbits, deer, and bears? Oh my!
Of course, whether speaking about a hero or princess, a heroine is only as good as their entourage. In that spirit, we spoke with a few of Stephanie’s colleagues to see what they have to say about her work. Not surprisingly, they had nothing but high praise!
“Stephanie has worked on multiple projects for me. She always takes any project and runs with it. She is dedicated and always willing to help whenever it’s needed. She is an A++ mod and I would recommend her for any project.” – Melissa P.
“I’ve worked with Stephanie since her first day at ModSquad, across multiple projects. She invests 110% in everything she does, takes the time to learn all she can about each and every client, and goes out of her way for her teammates. She’s truly a ModSquad Rockstar!” – Teresa M.
“Stephanie is the definition of dependable and up for any challenge we ask of her – exceeding expectations each time. Her genuine eagerness to learn and support each client is a great quality and deserves recognition. I’d have her on all my projects!” – Ian H.
Want to be a superhero for online communities? Click here to join the Mods!