
Mod of the Month – July 2023


At ModSquad, we have moderation down to a science. That’s due to the expertise of some of the best-trained moderators on the internet. How does someone stand out in our team where exceptional moderation is standard? They do it by valuing community, understanding the significant role of moderators in safeguarding those communities, and embodying a team spirit. That’s what our latest Mod of the Month, Kyrstye T., brings to the table. 

Kyrstye started many years ago as a volunteer moderator on Twitch. She later joined our team when the channel she moderated sought ModSquad’s professional expertise.

Kyrstye moderates for some of our powerhouse gaming and tech clients. Her experience provides her with an in-depth understanding of the role. “We’re like hall monitors in a space full of people on sites like Twitch and Discord, ensuring everyone’s welfare. If we fail to perform our duties, the community suffers.”

One of her favorite parts of ModSquad? The community. “I’ve befriended people worldwide, from Brazil to France,” she says, expressing her enthusiasm. “ModSquad brings together diverse individuals to cater to any project’s requirements. Everyone matters here, it’s not just based on seniority or skill level.”

Her work has earned her admiration within the community. Here are some praises from her colleagues and fans.

“Krystye is a diligent Mod who gives her all to our project. She readily engages with our project’s community. Her spirit for the team and the community is unmatched.”

– Amanda S.

“Krystye is the epitome of a team member and her project knowledge is outstanding. She’s always ready to help and is a pleasure to work with. She truly deserves this recognition!”

– Mark R.

“Kyrstye is a fantastic team player and a valuable addition to any project!”

– Alessandro S.

Kyrstye shares what she enjoys outside of work, “For video games I like FPS and resource management games like Fallout. But recently I’ve been playing Prey and Baldur’s Gate just to mix it up a bit. As for recipes, I have a homemade spaghetti sauce that my family asks me make in bulk so it can be frozen. Plus, I have a secret family recipe for a German Chocolate birthday cake that I make for me and my Grandpa. We are born one day apart.”

We wrap up our chat with Kyrstye finding out some of her favorite things:

  • Favorite movie: The Tigger Movie

  • Favorite TV show: I don’t really watch TV but Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda is my go to if it’s on

  • Favorite book: Anything by L.J. Smith

  • Favorite musical artist or group: It’s a tie between Cami-Cat and JT Music

Congrats Kyrstye! We love having you on the team. If you aspire to have a career in moderation or other areas of online CX, join the Mods today.