
Mod of the Month — July 2022


At ModSquad, we’re digital pioneers. From day one, we’ve had big ideas on what it means to build online communities. We’ve found that the people who shine as Mods share our ideals, whether they’ve been here for 15 years or 15 weeks.

Our latest Mod of the Month, Thomas V., is the latter. He’s a relative newcomer who first joined our team in March. But he’s been making a big impression since day one. And he’s been a digital pro for quite some time now.

Thomas’ resume is impressive, with previous experience in building websites and running a range of digital projects. It all harkens back to when Thomas was just 12 years old. “I built an MMORPG on top of a Korean game source code. I developed it, set up a website, and ran it from a server I set up in my bedroom. For the next four years, I updated and expanded this project until it had a user base of just over 100 people. I handled all of the support and community moderation myself.” This early experience planted the seeds that would develop into skills that are essential for Mod success.

Thomas’s interests don’t stop there. He’s a writer who enjoys crafting new worlds, a musician with a passion for guitar, and an animal lover with many pets. “I find that same satisfaction in all of my hobbies,” Thomas says. “My guitar technique can always be slightly cleaner, my code slightly faster, and my stories slightly better. You’ll find me spending the majority of my free time on any mix of those.”

Obviously, with such a long list of skills, Thomas isn’t someone who shies away from hard work. He puts just as much effort into every customer service interaction that comes his way. He stresses the importance of connecting with customers by matching their tone and patiently explaining how he can best help them.

“Connecting to the customer is most important. Prioritizing resolution while still making sure the customer is comfortable is something I’ve worked on a lot throughout my life,” Thomas says. “I enjoy the challenge of resolving technical issues, things like device-specific problems or data management.”

Customers aren’t the only ones to whom Thomas has lent a helping hand. His colleagues have described him as absolutely indispensable, a Mod who goes the extra mile to help fellow Mods, managers, and more. But don’t take our word for it; here are a few coworkers who have plenty of praise to send Thomas’s way.

“Thomas is extremely helpful. He wants to see others succeed, and that’s a very highly valued trait, not just with management but also his peers. Massive love for this guy!”
— Jay E., Project Manager

“Thomas has been an amazing addition to our project. He not only supports the customer in many ways, but also helps the managers tremendously.”
— Zurisaday S., Project Manager

“Thomas is a very hard working Mod, always trying to find a way to help out.”
— Janice C., Management Consultant – APM

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Thomas closely, and he never hesitates to use his coding knowledge to come up with really smart solutions to improve processes within the project. He’s also very engaged with his colleagues and is an absolute delight to have around.”
— Carl T., Management Consultant – APM

“Thomas is an awesome Mod, constantly helping his peers, management, and IT. He’s doing an amazing job supporting all the customers. Thomas is a true rock star!”
— Andrea V., Management Consultant – APM

Before we go, here are a few of Thomas’s favorite things:

Favorite movie: Back to the Future
Favorite TV show: I don’t actually watch enough TV to offer an answer that will not antagonize just about everybody, so I’ll pass!”
Favorite book: City of Masks by Mary Hoffman
Favorite musical artist or group: Polyphia

Want to learn more about how to become a Mod? Click here.