
Mod Hobbies: How We’re Spending Our Summer


Summer is here in the Northern Hemisphere. Time for many of us to unplug and unwind with our hobbies.

The Mods definitely know something about enjoying themselves outside of work. We’ve featured their cool hobbies and creativity before on the Mod Blog, and always get great feedback about those glimpses into their lives.

So we decided to check in with our squad to see how they’re filling these long summer days and hot summer nights. We weren’t disappointed; check out how the Mods are spending their summer. 

“My favorite summertime activity is horseback riding! My horse, Skeeter, is my best friend. Riding is a great way to focus my brain on just one thing — being a better horseman. Through riding, I have learned greater trust, patience, and focus. From riding the trails to running local rodeos, he’s my partner in crime, and we travel near and far during the summer. We also train once a week with a trainer to make sure we’re both in tip-top shape! It may be an expensive hobby, but it’s definitely worth it.”
— Ashley M.

“My family and I love traveling during the summer, whether it’s to visit friends and family or to sightsee across the states. Our last few excursions took us to Washington, DC to see the Smithsonian, and to Las Vegas, where we saw the Shark Reef Aquarium and visited nearby Hoover Dam.”
— Ann S.

“When the weather warms up, I like to be outside as much as possible. My favorite relaxing hobby is working on a new flower bed each season. We bought our home a few years ago and it’s a work in progress in terms of the outdoors. I spend a lot of time working out there and gardening! My next projects are a full sun flower bed and a new stone walking path to the back door.”
— Anuya R.

“Boating on the lake is always fun!”
— Angie C.

“I paint, sketch, write, play video games, draw, and make cosplay props. I’ve also taken to making dice towers and painting Dungeons & Dragons miniatures.”
— Ian G.

“I am a retired roller derby player, so I find outdoor skating fun, as well as hiking to the amazing waterfalls in my area. I also enjoy the outdoor food and night markets that we have here in the Pacific Northwest during our three months of outdoor weather.”
— Jessica M.

“Gaming is a passion of mine, and there’s no better time to play than in the summer. The entire family can get involved, and it’s a good time without the sunburn!”
— Rochelle H.

“I like to get crafty with the kids, particularly using flowers and getting them to do a discovery hunt in the garden.”
— Elodie F.

“We spend about 30 minutes a day putting together puzzles. It takes us about two to four weeks to do a 1,000-piece puzzle, depending on the difficulty. Then we’ll frame it. It’s just way too hot to be outside for more than a few minutes, so this indoor activity gets us going.”
— Samantha W.

“I picked up water coloring when I traveled as a digital nomad. It’s an easy hobby. I throw a couple of brushes and a small paint palette in my purse and go to the park or sit in a cafe alone and unwind. Above is a watercolor recreation of a picture taken of me in Indonesia.”
— Chelse H.

“I love to get out and garden. During the pandemic, when I had plenty of time at home, I spent a week turning a patch of my backyard into a raised garden bed (above, left). I had fresh vegetables and herbs all season long. It was so fun to be able to walk into the backyard to grab some fresh herbs for dinner. Even if it didn’t taste any different, it just felt more special!

“Summertime is definitely the best time to explore. If you’re not an outdoors person, there are always museums, aquariums, and other indoor attractions. Go in the morning to beat the rush. As an adult, you’re free to go to the parts that interest you, so if you want to skip a section, go for it! I always make a beeline for the Ancient Egyptian section of the museum.”
— Ali D.

“I look forward to summers so I can spend my extra time outdoors, exploring new places and new activities. We recently got a new car and tried out car camping. Honestly, it was more like glamping, and we had a blast! Since I enjoy being in nature so much, I recently went strawberry picking for the first time; it was such a wholesome experience.”
— Greha L.

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