Happy Social Media Day!!!!
It is June 30th, the day Mashable has declared to be Social Media Day; a day to celebrate the revolution of media becoming social. You can celebrate this day by attending a Social Media event. You can pick from one of over a thousand Meetup events all over the globe and celebrate these technological advancements by (as Mashable states) socializing with your online community offline.
Last year was the first ever Social Media Day with over 600+ meetups in 93 countries. WIth thousands of attendees it was a huge success and I was honored to be asked to speak at one of the events hosted by brand marketing and interactive agency Purematter. My topic was on “6 Easy Tips & Tricks in Social Media”. With social media changing so fast I wanted to look at my presentation and see if my advice is still even relevant.
My tips & tricks in 2010 were:
1. Add Facebook Connect to blog comments and forums
* Yeppers still good! In fact it’s hard to remember life before Facebook Connect
2. Get eyes to your Facebook page with ads.
* And now we have Sponsored Stories and even more targeting
3. Use Apps like Involver and FBML on your Facbeook Pages
* Sniff Sniff I am sorry Facebook took you away FBML tab! You are greatly missed! But I use apps more than ever
4. Track your links with tools like bit,ly
* Yes I still do this, however there have been some recent reports that show that people click less on bit.ly links because they are not trusted and are often spam. Many brands are now creating their own shorteners.
5. Be careful with TweetDeck
* Haha… I love TweetDeck, but I have seen people who are managing several accounts using tools like TweetDeck and accidentally tweet from the wrong account. #FAIL
6. Setting Expectations
* This is always my number one bit of advice for everyone. Don’t expect instant success, social media takes time and effort. Plus, just because Britney Spears has over 8 million followers on Twitter doesn’t mean you will too and who cares. Having quality followers is more important than having a high number of spammers.
What are my tips & tricks for 2011? Stay tuned…
– Jennifer Lowe