Happy Halloween! & Metaverse at Ad:Tech
How is everybody celebrating? Personally, I spent the morning among the undead. At Metaverse, we have a costume photo contest heating up in our Staff Lounge. Prizes are 1/2 day paid off for each the Best Kid Costume and Best Staffer Costume. I think I am disqualified, but I am still entering my daughter, Mary. Can you guess what she is?
In online news, I loved the carving of 1000lb pumpkins on the Google homepage and it led me this morning to the BEST Halloween site I’ve seen since Sears has been rocking the zombies. Check out the endless spooky world that Ben & Jerry’s have put up. I was mesmerized for 20 minutes this morning, before I even invited Mary over to check it out!
Speaking of great digital marketing (see how I did that?), Metaverse will be showing November 8-10 in New York City at ad:tech, the largest gathering of digital marketers in the world. I have attended ad:tech for years (at my first one, a speaker asked how many in the room were tweeting the session and I was the only person that raised my hand), but this is our first time showing. Our new VP of Digital Media, Jennifer Lowe, has also been invited to give a presentation. So if you are in the area, please email us at [email protected] and we can set you up with free Expo passes. Should be a great show and maybeeeeee we will be unveiling a new Metaverse website…..
Eat too much candy, stay up too late, and call in sick tomorrow! Unless you work for us.