Geek Parenting At Its Finest


We’ll be the first to admit it — ModSquad’s DNA is made up of a whole lot of things, but geekiness is definitely a part of it. We love all things video games, cosplay, D&D, and of course, Star Wars, but the opportunity to share it with our kids is the icing on the cake. 

Next week, our very own Rich Weil, SVP, Global Operations, will have the pleasure of speaking on a panel at PAX East about, you guessed it, Geek Parenting. In anticipation of this discussion, we asked around here at ModSquad for some geek parenting highlights. Enjoy and perhaps find some inspiration for your own household!

“Being an unapologetic geek, I’ve really enjoyed sharing my interests with my two sons. The really fascinating part has been seeing them branch out into their own particular areas of geekdom. As much as I would have liked either of them to love grognard historical war-games like I do, it’s great to see how each of them have established their interests. It’s given me a chance to learn from them about games, shows, comics, and books that I wouldn’t normally have looked at, like Minecraft or anime. We still share a lot of common interests, but I’m glad I’ve helped my sons stake out their own parts of geek culture.”
— Rich W.

Geek Parenting At Its Finest

“Our little boy, Alexandre, is a very big fan of Star Wars. His favorite character is now Kylo Ren, but he had a period where he was cosplaying Darth Vader. Of course, we watched all the movies multiple times, in the good and in the bad order. He knows everything, so that’s not an issue! We’re huge fans of Star Wars, but we never had to push him; he loved the story from the start without any help. At a fan expo near our place he was in cosplay, taking pictures all around with other cosplayers.”
— Charlotte B.

“In my family, being a geek is a point of pride. It speaks to an ability and willingness to be imaginative, creative, and empathetic. These are all traits that my husband and I have worked to instill in our daughter, and she’s everything that we could have asked for and more. She’s an amazing daughter who loves creating her own stories and worlds, often based on the video games she adores. We’re both incredibly proud of her and love that we’re able to share our passion for geek culture as a family.”
— Rochelle H.

“I am a huge nerd and my daughter is, too. We love anime, comics, and books. The best part is she is only three years old and already gets excited about geek life! These are pictures of our Halloween costumes from last year. She was Batgirl and I was the Joker. It was so much fun and both of us had a great time trick-or-treating. She has already been to a couple of conventions with me, and we’re trying to convince my son to get into it too!”
— Brittany L.

Geek Parenting At Its Finest

“I try to expose my son to all sorts of geeky things. We’re both big Star Wars fans. He loves The Clone Wars in particular. His favorite character is Ahsoka Tano. We visited Galaxy’s Edge last fall and he made a lightsaber and a droid. It was a blast! We play a lot of games together, including card games, board games, and Xbox and Switch games. We’re both big Pokémon fans and occasionally dabble in Pokémon Go and the Pokémon trading card game. From time to time, I enjoy taking him to conventions where we shop for toys and collectibles. He enjoys seeing all the visitors dressed up as superheroes and other fictional characters. He even got involved in a Jedi lightsaber fitness class after learning about it at a convention.”
— Jason F.

“I cosplay with my youngest son. He’s a great roleplayer and has become an integral part of the D&D group of which I am part. We share a love of Star Wars and we attend premieres dressed in Jedi robes. I am an indie filmmaker and I put him in one of my films after he expressed an interest in helping me with a film that I’m working on.”
— Tim E.

“I play Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop games about once a month with a group of friends that includes other ModSquad folks. Our son, who is now in college, can’t imagine life without polyhedral dice. The littles are often part of the fun as well! And who says grownups can’t enjoy a blanket fort?”
— Olivia L.