
Call the CX Holiday Hotline


We love the holiday hotline. Don’t know how to make a turkey? Just call. Last minute gift ideas? There’s a number for that.*

But while folks are enjoying some time off, as a CX leader, you might not be so relaxed. 

Maybe you’re getting crushed by a seasonal spike (the National Retail Federation predicts it is going to be bigger than last year). Maybe you want to ensure your current CX solution is the best. Or maybe you’re just looking for ways to hit the ground running when the ball drops in 2024.  

We’ve got a present just for you: our CX hotline

Give us a ring this holiday season and we’ll give you some ideas on how to solve that problem, seize that opportunity, do some due diligence, or get a win in the new year.

If your cookies are burning or your roast is undercooked, call someone else. But if you’ve got CX questions, grab a warm drink and a comfortable chair and give us a call

It might just be your favorite gift this season. 

– ModSquad

* Well, there used to be a number. We know that these days everyone just looks stuff up on the internet, but we’re waxing nostalgic this holiday season.