Mod of the Month – September 2015
Congratulations to Aunya S., our September 2015 Mod of the Month!!
Aunya is has been with us since October of 2011 (4 years!), and she has worked on a variety of projects, and in a variety of community and customer-facing positions. Metaverse was recommended to her by a friend as an interesting work option. Thankfully she applied and we’re all the better to her on board!
A strong member of our amazing Scan team, Aunya also works with 5 other projects including Linden Labs (Second Life), Symphony Commerce, and Diamond Candles. While she has become a strong community and moderation mod, she enjoys working in customer service the best.
It might sound crazy but I like being in the trenches of Customer Support during the high-volume holidays.
Aunya is very responsible, kind, and definitely has a goofy streak to her personality. If you ask her, she’ll tell you with exuberance that she is incredibly passionate about photography (she loves her camera). She has been teaching herself this art style, and it’s the best hobby she’s ever snapped up. “I recommend that everyone take more pictures! More pictures, more memories, and PRINT those photos! We don’t print nearly enough photos anymore.”
To be successful on projects, Aunya believes it is imperative to focus on the attention to detail, to read and follow direction thoroughly, and to communicate often. “I think these are things that I personally strive to conquer regularly. I want to do the task right the first time.”
Prior to Metaverse, Aunya was very active in Second Life, where she ran a business for years. Additionally, she learned quite a bit about interacting with customers at a video store she worked at earlier in life. “I LOVED interacting with my customers. They were such fun and considerate people. Every day was a new wacky adventure or interaction.”
Aunya’s attention to detail and thoughtfulness with communities and customers are what make her so valuable to our clients. Her cheerful demeanor, helpful “go-getter” attitude, and her dedication to her teams and the company are what make her so invaluable to Metaverse Mod Squad.
“I think my proud moments at Metaverse have come in my interactions with customers who are extremely upset about whatever the scenario may be and I’m able to bring them from a bad 10 back to a happy 1. There’s something really awesome in changing someone’s day from a horrible experience to one that they write good reviews about!”
Many project managers have jumped in to share their appreciation for Aunya. She’s been one of our most lauded mods in quite a long time.
One of the things I love about Aunya Scroggs is that she contributes mightily to so many projects, and has for so long. To me, that’s the spirit of Metaverse Mod Squad. I know the types of projects she covers for me, and I know she’s on the scan team (and I’m not even sure about her other projects)—can you imagine what her work day looks like? The number of virtual hats that come on and off of her head every day is mind-boggling. The protocols and procedures she meets, the tools she has mastered, the processes she finesses—all with good humor and low project-manager maintenance—that’s impressive.
– Susie South, PM
Aunya is an asset to have on our team.
– Kerri Seguin, PM
She’s always reliable and is very knowledgeable on every project I’ve seen her work on. She often rearranges her own personal schedule to help cover last minute emergencies when she can.
– Danielle Ditto, PM
I’ve loved working with her in the past and would love to continue to work with her in the future.
– Amanda Hayworth, PM
The amount of work she can get done on the scan team is incredible. AND she does it correctly, with her good judgment, and incredibly mad mod skills. She’s a hard worker, and will do ANYTHING, at ANYTIME, to jump in and help out the team.
– Teresa Moore, PM
Aunya fills in on my tougher projects when we need some additional coverage, and every time it’s like she’s worked on the project for a regular basis. Not only does she stay up-to-date on projects she does work regularly, she stays up-to-date on the ones she doesn’t. If that’s not MotM material, I don’t know what is!
– Michelle Ramage, PM
I brought Aunya on 4 yrs ago and she has been amazing on every project I’ve ever had her on. In fact, I reach out to her first for all my new projects. She is a mod you know you can trust with whatever the client needs. She is attentive to detail. She asks questions to make sure she is following the right procedures. She helps others on the project, and is completely dedicated to the project and never leaves us hanging. Just all around one of the best.
– Tera Tilden, PM
Aunya, thank you for being so hardworking, so dedicated, and such a terrific addition to our team! We’re so proud to have our as our Mod of the Month!
Izzy Neis
Director of Strategy & Engagement
Jason Ferguson
Director of Client Services